Win a prize
CML - Chronic myeloid leukemia
Note: This draw is only for people with chronic myeloid leukemia. Participation is free.
Objective: This draw allows you to familiarize yourself with the creation of your CMLer ID. Part of this code contains your Personal Number (last 4 digits) which will be put in the draw box.
Objective: This draw allows you to familiarize yourself with the creation of your CMLer ID. Part of this code contains your Personal Number (last 4 digits) which will be put in the draw box.
You can create your ‘CMLer ID from the Create CMLer ID link.
The Code that will be generated will contain your Personal Number. This Personal Number, which is made up of four digits, will be used during the draw to identify the winners.
The list of winning Personal Numbers will be published on the Draw Result link and you will have the option to accept the gift, either a cup with the inscription "Cross the bridge to a new life With" or in another version (French or Spanish)
The list of winning Personal Numbers will be published on the Draw Result link and you will have the option to accept the gift, either a cup with the inscription "Cross the bridge to a new life With" or in another version (French or Spanish)
Crossing the bridge to a new life