Leucémie myéloïde chronique
Leucemia Mieloide Crónica
CML Experts
How to get the CMLer's password?
Team of experts on CML who developed imatinib
Dr. Elisabeth Buchdunger
Dr. Brian Druker
Dr. John Goldman
Dr. Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini
Dr. Nora C. Heisterkamp
Dr. David Hungerford
Dr. Nicholas Lydon
Dr. Alex Matter
Dr. Felix Mitelman
Dr. Peter C. Nowell
Dr. Moshe Talpaz
Dr. Janet D. Rowley
Dr. Charles Sawyers
Dr. Jürg Zimmermann
Dr. Owen Witte
Experts involved in developing dasatinib
Dr. Jagabandhu Das
Experts involved in developing nilotinib
CML experts in America
CML experts in Canada
How to get the CMLer's password?
Dr. Sarit Assouline
Dr. Lambert Busque
Dr. Robert Delage
Dr. Connie Eaves
Dr. Josée Hébert
Dr. Vincent Éthier
Dr. Marc Lalancette
Dr. Luigina Mollica
Dr. Dennis Kim
Dr. Pierre Laneuville
Dr. Pierre Laneuville (v. fr.)
Dr. Conrad Vincent Fernandez
Dr. Isabelle Bence-Bruckler
Dr. Jeffrey H Lipton
Dr. Mark Hnatiuk
CML experts in US
How to get the CMLer's password?
Carolyn Blasdel, RN , FNP-BC, OCN
Rey Garcia, RN, BSN
Dr. Charles Schiffer
Dr. B. Douglas Smith
Dr. Ravi Bhatia
Dr. Jorge E. Cortes
Dr. Javier Pinilla-Ibarz
Dr. Catriona Jamieson
Dr. Arul Chinnaiyan
Dr. Ami Patel
Dr. Michael Deininger
Dr. James D. Griffin
Dr. Franziska Michor
Dr. Frank Giles
Dr. Gabriella Hobbs
Dr. Ehab Atallah
Dr. Elias J. Jabbour
Dr. Hagop Kantarjian
Dr. Harry P. Erba
Dr. Richard A. Larson
Dr. Alison Loren
Dr. Michael Mauro
Dr. Matt Kalaycio
Dr. Stephen D. Nimer
Dr. Ruben A. Mesa
Dr. Susan M. O'Brien
Dr. Jerald P. Radich
Dr. Ellen K. Ritchie
Dr. Karen Seiter
Dr. Kendra Sweet
Dr. Michael Savona
Dr. Neil Shah
Dr. Richard T Silver
Dr. Richard Stone
Dr. Raoul Tibes
Dr. Ronald L. Paquette
Dr. Sangmin Lee
Dr. Srinivas K. Tantravahi
Dr. Bin Zhang
CML experts in South America
Dr. Michele Bianchini
Dra Beatriz Moiraghi
Dra. Carla Boquimpani
Dr Carolina Pavlovsky
CML Experts in Europe
CML Expert in Belgium
Pr Gregor Verhoef
CML expert in France
Comment obtenir le mot de passe?
Dr. François-Xavier Mahon
Dr Aude Charbonnier
Dr. Agnès Guerci Bresler
Dr Pascale Cony-Makhoul
Dr. Delphine Rea
Dr. Gabriel Etienne
Dr. Lawrence Legros
Dr. Marie-Joëlle Mozziconacci
Pr. Mauricette Michallet
Dr. François Guilhot
Dr. Emilie Cayssial
Dr Françoise Huguet
Dr. Stéphane Prost
Dr. Philippe Rousselot
Dr. Eliane Gluckman
Dr. Franck-Emmanuel Nicolini
CML expert in Italy
Dr. Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini
Dr. Chiara Elena
Dr. Gianantonio Rosti
Dr. Massimo Breccia
Dr. Michele Baccarani
Dr. Giuseppe Saglio
CML expert in UK
Dr. Jane Apperley
Dr. Richard Clark
Dr. Stephen O'Brien
Dr. Georgios Nteliopoulos
Dr. Adam Mead
Dr. Tessa L Holyoake
CML expert in Germany
Dr. Andreas Hochhaus
Professor Jörg Hasford
Professor Oliver Hantschel
Dr Susanne Saussele
Dr. Martin Müller
CML expert in Portugal
Dr. Antônio Medina de Almeida
CML expert in Spain
Dr. Juan Luis Steegmann
CML expert in Netherlands
Dr. Jeroen J.W.M. Janssen
CML expert in Sweden
Dr. Johan Richter
CML expert in Czech Republic
Dr. Hana Klamova
CML experts in Asia
Dr. Annuar Rapaee
Dr. Charles Chuah
Dr. Goh Yeow Tee
Dr. Pankaj Malhotra
Dr. Uday Yanamandra
Dr. Hemant Malhotra
Dr. Kim Dong-Wook
CML experts in Africa
Dr. Asmaa Quessar
Dr. Anthony Oyekunle
CML experts in Australia
Dr. Ilaria Pagani
Dr. Susan Branford
Pr Tim Hughes
Dr. David T. Yeung
Dr. Liu Lu
Dr. Naranie Shanmuganathan
Dr. Anthony P Schwarer
Medical Concepts
How to get the CMLer's password?
Introduction to CML
Precision medicine in chronic myeloid leukemia
Philadelphia chromosome
BCR-ABL Transcripts
Sokal, Hasford, and EUTOS scores
General concepts
Bone Marrow
Stem Cells
Immune System
Natural killer cell - NK
T Cells
Blood-Brain Barrier
Clinical Trials
Treatment response in CML
Resistance to treatment in CML
Molecular monitoring in CML
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Dr. Kary Bank Mullis
Non-adherence of CML patients
Sensitive detection of BCR-ABL1 mutations
JAK2 Gene
Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI)
Interferon regulatory factor 8 (IRF8)
Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD)
Introduction to CML
Essential Thrombocythemia (ET)
Myelofibrosis (MF)
Polycythemia Vera (PV)
Types of leukemia
Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia
How to get the CMLer's password?
Interferon Alpha
Gleevec (Imatinib)
Generic Imatinib
Tasigna (Nilotinib)
Generic nilotinib
Sprycel (Dasatinib)
Generic Dasatinib
Bosulif (Bosutinib)
Iclusig (Ponatinib)
Supect (Radotinib)
Scemblix (Asciminib)
Synribo (Omacetaxine )
HQP1351 (Olverembatinib)
Jakafi (Ruxolitinib)
K0706 (Vodobatinib)
DCC-2036 (Rebastinib)
Vidaza (Azacitidine)
Managing side effects
List of side effets
How to get the CMLer's password?
Acid Uric - Gout
Bone Pain
Fluid Retention
Gastrointestinal system
Muscle cramping
Night Sweats
Peripheral Neuropathy in CML
Peripheral arterial disease in CML
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain
CML and Nutrition
Food and Drug Interactions
CML and comorbidities
Living with CML and diabetes
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Art Therapy
Art Therapist
CMLer's portofolio
Music therapy
YouTube creation by CMLer's family
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Calm Music for Meditation, Sleep, Healing Therapy, Spa
Debussy – Relaxing music - Clair de lune et autres...
Delicate music for the soul and LIFE, and birdsong soothes the nervous system.
Adagio for Strings (Samuel Barber)
Amélie Soundtrack ♥ Comptine d'Un Autre Été
The song "Disenchanted'
Physical Activity
Patient Testimonials
How to get the CMLer's password?
30 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Mark Popadick
Mary Sullivan
Dr. Robert Patenaude -E
Skip Duffe
Sister Shirley Vaughn
Tamera Simonson
20 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Doug Jenson
Giora Sharf
Joannie Clements
Mel Mann
Kevin Williams
Rich Jones
Tanja Fajon
Virginia Garner
10 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Dan Sloan
Drew Johnston
Erin Zammett Ruddy
Erin Havel (Author)
Gary Gonzales
Jan Geissler
Jean McGlynn
ELLE Halliwell (Pregnancy)
Kayla Naton (Pregnancy)
Mary Jane Bertram
Pat Elliott
Rob Shick
Tegan Kubler
Tom Cleaver
New CMLers
How to get the CMLer's password?
Skye Davidson
Amanda Steffy
Abbi Evans
Austin Granatowicz
Brown Dudley
Ron Robbecke
Celebrities with CML
How to get the CMLer's password?
Alexa Score
Brian Boyle
Carlos Carrasco
Charlie Schlatter
Doris Muramatsu
Dr. Richard Rockefeller
Greg Lemond
Kareem Abdul-Jabar
Kelvin Alston
Jason Blake
Laura Boyd
Lee Zeldin
Rick Upchurch
Roman Reigns
Ryan O'Neal
Tim Holcomb
Suzan Mc Namara and the petition
Bud Romine - the first patient
Other testimonials
How to get the CMLer's password?
Living with CML
Michelle D's Blog
Jon's Blog
Blogs not recently updated
Access CML Drugs
CMKID's blog – Dislodging the bullet - 2012
CML Recovery - Stopping KTI -2011
Hans's Blog -2012
Elizabeth's Blog - my leukemia - 2013journey
Elizabeth's Blog - Heart of the rose -2011
Joe's Blog - 2012
Josh's Blog - 2014
Mannan's Blog -2014
Ian's Blog -2014
Matt's Blog - 2012
Matthew's Blog - 2014
Michelle's Blog -2012
Nayree's Blog -2011
Rob's Blog - 2011
Global News on CML
English - Latest CML News
News -Archives 2023-2022
News -Archives 2021-2020
News -Archives 2019-2018
News - Archives 2017-2016
News Archives - 2015-2014
News-Archives -2013-2012
News - Archives 2011-2001
French (Français) - Dernières nouvelles
Spanish (Español)-Ultimas noticias
Links to other sites, forums and Facebook
Sites (English and other languages)
Forums (English and other languages)
CML on Facebook
CML on Twitter
Audio Podcast
Various topics
How to get the CMLer's password?
CML patients and the coronavirus
You’ve just been diagnosed
History of CML
CML causes
Pronostic, life expectancy, quality of life, ..... in chronic myeloid leukemia
Increased Risk of Secondary Cancers with CML
Vaccination of CMLers
CML Blast Crisis treatment
Bone marrow transplant
Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
ThINKK (Therapeutic inducers of Natural Killer cell killing)
Children with CML
CML and pregnancy
Mutation T315I
Elderly patients with CML
Sports with CML
CML Awareness Day
Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la leucémie myéloïde chronique
The movie "Dying to Survive"
The movie 'The Blue Butterfly"
Cure possible for CML?
How to get the CMLer's password?
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using single UM171-expanded cord blood
Greffe de cellules souches de cordon ombilical amplifiées par la molécule UM171
Combination of tyrosine kinase inhibitor with other medication
Combinaison of hydroxychloroquine with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of ruxolitinib with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of insulin sensitizer MSDC-0600K with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of miristen with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of pioglitazone with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of Inecalcitol with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of dasatinib plus Nivolumab
Combination of Pembrolizumab with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of interferon with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of Venetoclax with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Inhibitory effect of c-Myc on p53-induced apoptosis in leukemia cells
Inhibition of the protein Ezh2 can cure CML?
Inhibition of STAT5 in conjunction with standard TKI therapy
PROTAC-mediated Targeted Protein Degradation
CML vaccine
Can immunotherapy cure leukemia?
Could fasting cure chronic myeloid leukemia
Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy
Can genetic sequencing help to cure leukemia?
Can the new drug CX-5461 cure leukemia?
CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique
Presence of bcr abl fusion transcripts in healthy individua
Math could help cure leukemia
Natural Medicine
Possible cure for CML in Fish Oil
Betel leaf may help fight CML
Feverfew extract (parthenolide)
Can dandelions kill cancer?
Can curcumin cure leukemia?
Treatment-Free remission(TFR)
The French trial called STIM (Stop Imatinib)
De-escalation of treatment
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Withdrawal Syndrome in CML Patients
Educational videos (all languages)
Educational videos in English
Vidéos pédagogiques en français sur la LMC
Videos instructivos en español
Educational events
CML Tool Box (all languages)
English tool box
Survey for CMLer who take asciminib
Survey for patients who passed TFR (Treatment-Free Remission)
French tool box
Sondage pour les patients qui prennent l'asciminib
Sondage uniquement auprès des patients ayant réussi le RST( Rémission sans traitement)
Spanish tool box
Encuesta_de_medicación_ LMC.html
Know your CML
CML Glossaries
Moral Support
Where to get help and support
Family support
Dances at the Cancer Research Centre
I Had Cancer: You are not alone
I’m A Doctor With Chronic Illness. Here Are 12 Things I Wish People Knew
23 Nice Things You Can Do for Someone With Cancer
The march toward healing
Be happy
Professionnel help and literature
Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee
Patient Rights
New technological advances
International publications
Publications from Africa
Publications from America
Publications from Australia
Publications from Asia
Publications from Europe
Specialist Journals in Hematology/Oncology
Awards & Recognition
Leukemia Foundations
American Cancer Society
Hospital Foundations
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Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
News on CML -Archives 2019-2018 -Chronic myeloid leukemia
See News on CML (after 2020)
e Archives ( 2017-2016)
Archives ( 2015-2014)
Archives ( 2013-2012)
Archives ( 2011 and before)
Chronic myeloid leukaemia: The dangers of not knowing your BCR-ABL1 transcript
December 2019,
Leukemia Research
Prospective assessment of NGS-detectable mutations in CML patients with non-optimal response: the NEXT-in-CML study.
December 26, 2019,
Living a happy life with leukaemia
December 25, 2019,
BBC News
Cost Effectiveness of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Imatinib Administration in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
December 25, 2019,
Super-Enhancer-Associated Hub Genes In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Identified Using Weighted Gene Co-Expression Network Analysis
December 23, 2019,
Do persons with chronic myeloid leukaemia have normal or near normal survival?
December 20, 2019,
Managing chronic myeloid leukemia for treatment-free remission: a proposal from the GIMEMA CML WP
December 20, 2019,
ASH Publications
Getting CML Patients Into a Deeper Treatment Response
December 20, 2019,
Patient Power
Nilotinib Therapy Plus Peg-IFN Feasible, Effective for BCR-ABL1–Positive CML
December 20, 2019,
Oncology Learning Network
Despite lower price of generic imatinib, overall costs for chronic myeloid leukemia remain high
December 20, 2019,
Update on stopping CML treatment: Report from the American Society of Hematology Congress 2019
December 20, 2019,
CML Advocates Network
Massimo Breccia, ASH 2019: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients after Discontinuation
December 18, 2018,
Touch Medical Media
Wichita Falls native in remission uses cancer journey to help others
December 14, 2019,
Texomas Homepage
Durable Molecular Remission in a Lymphoid BP-CML Patient Harboring T315I Mutation Treated with Anti-CD19 CAR-T Therapy
December 13, 2019,
CML Patient Views on Psychological Support During Treatment-Free Remission
December 13, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Asciminib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia after ABL Kinase Inhibitor Failure
December 12, 2019,
The New England Journal of Medicine
Step forward in leukemia treatment
December 12, 2019,
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Preclinical development of a novel BCR-ABL T315I inhibitor against chronic myeloid leukemia
December 11, 2019,
Leukaemia breakthrough as scientists find drug can fight the blood cancer without causing toxic side effects seen in currently-used medications
December 11, 2019,
Daily Mail Health
Double standards: The poor may wait for eternity
December 11, 2019,
The Express Tribune Health
Scientists highlight the benefits of Droplet Digital PCR technology at the 2019 ASH meeting
December 10, 2019,
News Medical Life Sciences
Role of cancer immunology in chronic myelogenous leukemia
January 2020,
Science direct
Ascentage Pharma Releases Updated Data of its Novel BCR-ABL Inhibitor, HQP1351, in an Oral Presentation Nominated for "Best of ASH"
December 10, 2019,
Monitoring Disease Recurrence With Patient-Reported Outcomes After Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy
December 10, 2019,
A new target for leukaemia patients seeking treatment free remission
December 6, 2019
Professor and marathoner helps put blood cancer on the run
December 2, 2019,
UAB News
Inhibition of KPNB1 Inhibits Proliferation and Promotes Apoptosis of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells Through Regulation of E2F1
December 2, 2019,
Are We Ready To Use Precision Medicine In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Practice?
December 2019,
BCR/ABL1 Transcripts in Healthy Individuals: A Comparative Analysis Between First-Degree Relatives of Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia and Subjects without Antecedents of the Disease
November, 2019,
Our son was born from sperm frozen before I underwent leukaemia treatment
November 30, 2019,
The Telegraph
Adverse effects of dasatinib on glucose-lipid metabolism in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia in the chronic phase
November 26, 2019
, Nature.com
Ireton man's diagnosis changes everything
November 26, 2019,
Lineage of measurable residual disease in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in treatment-free remission
November 25, 2019,
Towards a Personalized Treatment of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
November 23, 2019,
Springer Nature
Longtime cancer researcher Charles Sawyers named first STAT Biomedical Innovation Award winner
November 21, 2019,
Stat News
Charles L. Sawyers: Overview -Overcoming Resistance to Molecularly Targeted Cancer Therapy
November 17, 2019,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Health Canada approves two tests for CML patients
November 15, 2018,
Treatment-Free Remission at Heart of New CML Study
November 14, 2019
Ascentage Pharma to Release Updated Data of its Novel, Third-Generation BCR-ABL Inhibitor, HQP1351, in Chinese Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients in an Oral Presentation at the 61st American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting
November 14, 2019,
Long-Term Outcomes of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Who Lost Undetectable Molecular Residual Disease (UMRD) after Imatinib Discontinuation: Korean Imatinib Discontinuation Study (KIDS)
NOVEMBER 13, 2019,
Journal Blood
A Phase I-II Study of Ruxolitinib (INCB18424) for Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia with Minimal Residual Disease While on Therapy with Imatinib
November 13, 2019,
Journal Blood
Effects of Ramadan Fasting in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase
November 13, 2019,
Journal Blood
Niagara Falls Boy Battling Leukemia in Need of Our Love & Support
November 13, 2019,
The Niagara Reporter
The TKI-Free Duration after a First Discontinuation Attempt That Failed in CP CML Patients Is a Predictive Factor of TKI-Free Remission after a Second Attempt
November 13, 2019,
ASH Publications
Druggable Biochemical Pathways and Potential Therapeutic Alternatives to Target Leukemic Stem Cells and Eliminate the Residual Disease in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
November 10, 2019,
Very late relapse with rapid BCR-ABL1 elevation after more than seven years of treatment-free remission with undetectable molecular residual disease in chronic myeloid leukaemia
November 8, 2019,
British Journal of Heamatology
Learning to stop cancer at its roots
November 7, 2019,
Medical Xpress
New approaches to molecular monitoring in CML (and other diseases)
November 7, 2019,
Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome in Pediatric Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
November 7, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
UCLA Health partners with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on health and wellness
November 6, 2019,
CVS' app for specialty drug adherence is yielding positive results for patients
November 6, 2019,
Business Insider
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using single UM171-expanded cord blood: a single-arm, phase 1–2 safety and feasibility study
November 6, 2019,
The Lancet Heamatology
Improving Treatment Adherence Through a CML Specialty Pharmacy Service Model
November 5, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
OHSU 'absolutely closer' to cure for cancer after Gert Boyle’s $100 million donation
November 4, 2019,
How CVS is using digital tools to boost specialty pharmacy adherence
November 4, 2019,
Fierce Healthcare
MR4 sustained for 12 months is associated with stable deep molecular responses in chronic myeloid leukemia
November 2019,
Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia achieving good response with azacytidine
October 2019,
Selecting, Switching, and Discontinuing First-Line TKIs in CML
October 2019,
Oncology Learning Network
Precision Medicine Leader recognised with Ramaciotti Medal of Excellence
October 31, 2019,
Laird G. Jackson, 89, a medical geneticist before the specialty even existed
October 28, 2019,
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Blood drive at Metro East school dedicated to principal with cancer
October 28, 2019,
Maintenance tyrosine kinase inhibitors following allo-HCT for chronic myeloid leukemia: A CIBMTR Study
October 25, 2019,
VTE Risk and Incidence in Hospitalized Patients With Blood Cancers
October 25, 2019,
Cancer therapy advisor
Adherence to Other Oral Medications Declines Following Introduction of Oral Oncolytics
October 25, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Long-term mortality rate for cardiovascular disease in 656 chronic myeloid leukaemia patients treated with second- and third-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor
October 24, 2019,
Leukemia Treatment Regimens: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
October 23, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Researchers find potential new treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia
October 23, 2019,
Daily Bruin
Four-year-old Jaguar at Abilene Zoo diagnosed with rare form of cancer
October 23rd 2019,
Follow-Up Results of Low-Dose Dasatinib for Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
October 22, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Follow-Up Results of Low-Dose Dasatinib for Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
October 18, 2019
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Increased Risk of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Following Gastric Conditions Indicating Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Case-Control Study
October 16, 2019,
Some Say a Nonprofit Research Group Unfairly Influences Drug Prices
October 16, 2019,
Antibody eradicates leukemia stem cells
October 15, 2019,
Chronic myelogenous leukemia stem cells require cell-autonomous pleiotrophin signaling
October 15, 2019,
Generic Imatinib Comparable to Original in Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
October 11, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Ponatinib in the Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Philadelphia Chromosome-Positive Acute Leukemia: Recommendations of a German Expert Consensus Panel with Focus on Cardiovascular Management
October 7, 2019,
Acta Haematologica
Novartis Is Losing The Leadership In ALL And CML
October 3, 2019,
Seeking Alpha
My Husband's Cancer Diagnosis Didn't Stop Us From Growing Our Family
October 3, 2019,
WWE partners with Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to help cancer patients and families
October 3, 2019,
Cepheid Receives FDA Clearance for Xpert® BCR-ABL Ultra Test
October 2, 2019,
Yahoo Finance
Blast count prognostic for CML presenting in advanced phase
September 26, 2019,
Medical Xpress
Update on Dasatinib Use in Chronic‐phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
September 25, 2019,
Comparing Third-Line TKIs for the Treatment of Refractory CML
September 23, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Leukemia drug shows promise for treating a childhood brain cancer - nilotinib
September 20, 2019,
Medical Xpress
Weighing Risks and Benefits With the Use of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
September 20, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Expert Highlights Frontline Advancements in Treatment Landscape for CML
September 19, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Dr. Seet on Aspects of Treatment Discontinuation in CML
September 17, 2019, , OncLive
Prolonged Treatment Free Remission In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients With Previous BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutations
September 17, 2019,
Outcome of Pregnancy in CML Patients in Chronic Phase with Different Molecular Response, Single Centre Experience
September 17, 2019,
Study Compares Quality of Life for Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treated With Dasatinib vs Imatinib
September 16, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Targeting BCR-ABL1 in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia by PROTAC-Mediated Targeted Protein Degradation
September 15, 2019,
The 2019 Goldman Prize is awarded to Professor François-Xavier Mahon
September 2019,
Iron and leukemia: new insights for future treatments
September 13, 2019,
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Prognostic Impact of Additional Chromosomal Abnormalities in Egyptian Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients
September 13, 2019,
Management of Advanced Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
September 11, 2019,
DocWire Conference Coverage
Primary Results of the Phase 4 BYOND Study of Bosutinib for Pretreated Chronic Phase (CP) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
September 11, 2019,
DocWire News Featured Reading
Weeks after being diagnosed with leukemia, Westhill linebacker plays in season opener
September 10, 2019,
Weeks after being diagnosed with leukemia, Westhill linebacker plays in season opener
September 10, 2019,
Combining the Allosteric Inhibitor Asciminib with Ponatinib Suppresses Emergence of and Restores Efficacy against Highly Resistant BCR-ABL1 Mutants
September 4, 2019,
BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor K0706 exhibits pre-clinical activity in Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemia
September 4, 2019,
Emergence role of nucleated red blood cells in molecular response evaluation for chronic myeloid leukemia
September 3, 2019,
Outcomes With Nilotinib for Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase
September 3, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
Discontinuation Of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors In Patients With Chronic Myelogeneous Leukemia – You Can Do This At Home If You Read The Instructions
August 2019,
Could Flumatinib Replace Gleevec in Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia?
August 31,2019,
Dr. Cortes on the 192-Week Follow-Up Results of the ENESTop Trial in CML
August 30, 2019,
Dr. Daver Compares Toxicity Profiles of TKIs in CML
August 29, 2019, OncLive
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Dosing Patterns in Elderly Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
August 29, 2019,
Dr. Seet on the Need for Long-Term Outcome Data Regarding Treatment Discontinuation in CML
August 27, 2019,
Skin lesions in chronic myeloid leukemia patients during dasatinib treatment
August 26, 2019,
Omega -3 Fatty Acid in Combination With Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 21, 2019,
Some Discrepancies Seen Between Real-Life and Guideline-Recommended Care of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 20, 2019,
An emerging trend of rapid increase of leukemia but not all cancers in the aging population in the United States
August 19, 2019,
An emerging trend of rapid increase of leukemia but not all cancers in the aging population in the United States
August 19, 2019,
10-Year OS After Bone Marrow Transplantation for CML Similar With/Without Prior TKI Therapy
August 16, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Leukemia researcher Dr. Jerry Radich receives Kurt Enslein Endowed Chair
August 15, 2019,
Fred Hutch
BCR-ABL1 Doubling-Times and Halving-Times May Predict CML Response to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
August 13, 2019,
Frontiers in Oncology
The efficacy of tolvaptan in treating dasatinib-induced pleural effusions in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia
August 12, 2018,
CML Paradigm Transforms With New Treatments, Potential for TKI Discontinuation
August 9, 2019,
How to Select the Optimal BCR-ABL TKI Therapy for Treatment of Chronic-Phase CML
August 7, 2019,
New Approaches and Treatment Combinations for the Management of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 6, 2019,
Frontiers in Oncology
Challenges in Management of Chronic Phase CML
August 5, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Four Approved Frontline Treatments Benefit Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 2, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Combined inhibition of MDM2 and Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase targets chronic myeloid leukemia stem/progenitor cells in a murine model
August 2019,
Leukemia and Childhood Infection Hypothesis
Jul 30, 2019 ,
News Medical
Incidence and outcome of BCR‐ABL mutated chronic myeloid leukemia patients who failed to tyrosine kinase inhibitors
July 27, 2019,
Cancer medicine
Comorbidities Can Affect CML Treatment Decisions
July 25, 2019,
Oncology Nursing News
Ep. 147: “Targeted Repair in Blood Stem and Progenitor Cells” Featuring Dr. Jennifer Adair
July 23, 2019,
The stem cell podcast
Arsenic sulfide nanoformulation induces erythroid differentiation in chronic myeloid leukemia cells through degradation of BCR-ABL
July 22, 2019
, Dovepress
Ascentage Pharma to Initiate Phase Ib Study of HQP1351 in Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors -resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients in the US
July 22, 2019,
Epigenetic Reprogramming and Emerging Epigenetic Therapies in CML
July 17, 2019,
TKI Dose Reduction Improves Treatment-Free Remission Protocols for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
July 17, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Expert Discusses Benefits of Identifying Mutations in CML with NGS Testing
July 15, 2019.
Targeted Oncologyy
Role of Ponatinib in Treatment of R/R CML
July 15, 2019, Targeted Oncology
Evaluation of anemia after long-term treatment with imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia patients in chronic phase
June 14,2019,
Bio-Rad Releases First FDA-Cleared Digital PCR System and Test for Monitoring Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Response
July 12, 2019,
Determining predictors of long-term survival in imatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
July 11, 2019
, LLS Community
Philanthropic Competition Unleashes the Power of Turning Grief into Passion
July 10, 2019,
Yahoo finance
University Hospitals Doctor Explains Myeloid Leukemia, Outlook for Carrasco
July 9, 2019. i
Killer immunoglobulin‐like receptor genotypes and chronic myeloid leukemia outcomes after imatinib cessation for treatment‐free remission
July 9, 2019,
Cancer Medicine
Clinical Challenge: Discontinuing TKIs in Chronic Phase CML
July 7, 2019,
Cleveland Indians identify Carlos Carrasco’s illness as chronic myeloid leukemia
July 7, 2019,
Dasatinib shows promise as a control agent for CAR T cells
July 5, 2019,
Infliximab therapy together with tyrosine kinase inhibition targets leukemic stem cells in chronic myeloid leukemia
July 4, 2019,
Longer treatment duration and history of osteoarticular symptoms predispose to tyrosine kinase inhibitor withdrawal syndrome
July 4, 2019,
SIRT1 Plays Key Role in Preventing Leukemia Stem Cell Elimination
July 4, 2019,
Monitoring in CML Remains Imperative as TKI Cessation Rises to the Forefront of Care
July 3, 2019
, OncLive
Fred Hutch global health research honored for impact, collaboration
July 2, 2019,
Fred Hutch
June 2019,
Treatment Value of Second-Generation TKIs for Patients With CML
June 28, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
First case report of latent tuberculosis reactivation complicating treatment with nilotinib in chronic myeloid leukemia
Jun 25, 2019,
How Precision Medicine Is Changing Cancer Treatment
June 24, 2019,
A Glossary of Cancer Terms for Patients
June 21, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Breaking News from EHA 2019 in Amsterdam
June 20, 2019,
Negative MR4·0 chronic myeloid leukaemia and its possible implications for treatment‐free remission
June 19, 2019,
British Journal of Hematology
Patient Perspectives: Closing the Gap of Racial Disparity in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
June 19, 2019,
Specialty Pharmacy Times
Life’s work of talented B.C. sculptor leads to leukemia
June 18, 2019,
Coast Mountain News
Nilotinib Benefits Relapsed Patients With CML After Treatment Discontinuation
June 18, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Rare cancer strikes young Flathead girl
June 16, 2019,
Montana News
Is There a Role for Dose Modification of TKI
Therapy in CML
June 14, 2019,
Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports
Successful determination of nilotinib dosage by therapeutic drug monitoring in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia developing hepatic dysfunction: A case report
June 14, 2019,
Clinical case reports
Treatment value of second-generation BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors compared with imatinib to achieve treatment-free remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia: a modelling study
ne 14, 2019,
Treatment value of second-generation BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors compared with imatinib to achieve treatment-free remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia: a modelling study
June 14, 2019,
The Lancet
Study Finds Women With Rare Bone Marrow Cancer Can Still Have Safe Childbirth
June 14, 2019,
Novartis continues to innovate in CML with long-term treatment-free remission results following Tasigna® use and promising combination data with investigational compound asciminib (ABL001)
June 14, 2019,
Globe News Wire
SIRT1 plays key role in chronic myeloid leukemia by aiding persistence of leukemic stem cells
June 10, 2019,
UAB News
Diamonds Are Forever, but TKIs in CML Don't Have to Be
June 6, 2019,
Medscape Medical News
The molecular mechanisms underlying BCR/ABL degradation in chronic myeloid leukemia cells promoted by Beclin1-mediated autophagy
June 6, 2019,
TKI Discontinuation Still an Unclear Picture in CML
June 6, 2019,
An alternative way – tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) de-escalation – to discontinue TKIs in order to achieve treatment-free remission
June 5, 2019,
Expert Review of Hematology
Budget Impact of Treatment-Free Remission in Treating Chronic-Phase Philadelphia-Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Lebanon
June 5, 2019,
Efficacy of Bosutinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Resistant to Prior Treatment
June 5, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
Treatment-Free Remission After Nilotinib May Be Durable in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
June 3, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
Flumatinib Shows Promise in Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
June 2, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Flumatinib Superior to Imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
June 1, 2019,
ASH Clinicals News
Case 1: TKI Therapy in CP-CML
May 28, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
FDA Should Reassess Postmarket Trials for Cancer Drugs Approved via Accelerated Pathway, Researchers Say
May 28, 2019,
ENESTop 192-week results: Treatment-free remission (TFR) in patients (pts) with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase (CML-CP) after stopping second-line (2L) nilotinib (NIL)
May 26, 2019,
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells
May 24, 2019,
Rates of Transcript Variants in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Associated With Sex and Age
May 22, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of bosutinib, dasatinib and nilotinib effect on survival and major cytogenetic response in treatment of second-line chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia
May 15, 2019,
Current Medical Research and Opinion
Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia With Losing Major Molecular Response as a Definition for Molecular Relapse: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
May 14, 2019,
Frontiers in Oncology
Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia With Losing Major Molecular Response as a Definition for Molecular Relapse: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
May 14, 2019,
Musculoskeletal Pain in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia After Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy Cessation
May 13, 2019,
Lawsuit accuses Teva of working with other drug firms to inflate prices
May 11, 2019,
Ten-year outcome of chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with imatinib in real life
May 11, 2019,
10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have An Invisible Illnes
May 10, 2019,
Thought Catalog
The silent affordability crisis facing sick people
May 8, 2019,
Muscle Complaints Are a Frequent Side Effect of TKI Use in CML, but What Causes Them?
May 7, 2019,
Cancer therapy advisor
Next-Generation Sequencing Detects Early Kinase Domain Mutations in Patients With CML
May 6, 2019,
Oncology Learning Network
Predictors of TKI Response in CML Remain Elusive
May 6, 2019,
Cancer therapy advisor
Clinical Implications of Discordant Early Molecular Responses in CML Patients Treated with Imatinib
May 6, 2019,
Incidence and evaluation of predisposition to cardiovascular toxicity in chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with bosutinib in the real-life practice
May 1, 2019,
TKI Discontinuation Safe in CML, But Patient Selection Is Key
May 1, 2019,
Precision Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Dosing In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
May 2019,
Incidence of Second Malignancies in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
April 30, 2019,
Hematology Advisor
Dr. Shah on TKI Treatment Discontinuation in CML
April 24, 2019,
Researchers find drug-resistant gene for Gleevec
April 23, 2019,
Korea Biomedical Review
Monitoring and Analysis of Chinese Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Who Have Stopped Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy
April 23, 2019,
Exploiting Unique Biological Features of Leukemia Stem Cells for Therapeutic Benefit
April 23, 2019,
Stem Cells Jourrnal
Percent of Imported Pharmaceutical Ingredients Apparently Unchanged in 20 Years
April 19, 2019,
Pharmacy Checker Blog
Reasons for TKI discontinuation ID'd in chronic myeloid leukemia
April 16, 2019,
Medical Xpress
Rechallenge of ponatinib in chronic myeloid leukaemia after hepatotoxicity
April 2019,
Hong Kong Medical Journal
Earlier Molecular Testing May Boost CML Response
April 9, 2019,
Clinical Oncology News
What is the best pharmacotherapeutic strategy for treating chronic myeloid leukemia in the elderly?
April 5, 2019,
Expert Opinion
Exploring Patient Decision Making Regarding Discontinuation of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
April 3, 2019,
The Oncologist
Results of the European survey on the assessment of deep molecular response in chronic phase CML patients during tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy (EUREKA registry)
April 2, 2019,
The natural history of vascular and other complications in patients treated with nilotinib for chronic myeloid leukemia
March 2019,
Blood Advances
AACR Awards Scientific Honors and Lectures at 2019 Annual Meeting
Dr. Sawyers is being honored for his research into the mechanisms of drug resistance to treatments.
March 30, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
13 physicians named America’s Top Doctors for 2019
March 29, 20119,
Augusta University
MR4 sustained for 12 months is associated with stable deep molecular responses in chronic myeloid leukemia
March 28, 2019,
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia: Impact of Chromosomal Aberrations on Disease Progression
March 28, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Lenalidomide maintenance treatment after imatinib discontinuation: results of a phase 1 clinical trial in chronic myeloid leukaemia
March 27, 2019,
British Journal of Haematology
Suboptimal molecular response to tyrosine kinase inhibition associated with acquisition of a T240A ABL1 kinase domain mutation in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia
March 26, 2019,
Experimental Oncology
Analysis of cardiovascular and arteriothrombotic adverse events in chronic-phase CML patients after frontline TKIs
March 26, 2019,
TKI Discontinuation Criteria Established in Updated NCCN CML Guideline
March 23, 2019,
How 'sleeper cell' cancer stem cells are maintained in chronic myelogenous leukemia
March 21, 2019,
Medical Xpress
Jabbour Reviews TKI Options in Case Study of Chronic Phase CML
March 21, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
OSU Research Paves Way for New Source for Leukemia Drug
March 20, 2019,
The Skammer
Pre- and post-transplant ponatinib for a patient with acute megakaryoblastic blast phase chronic myeloid leukemia with T315I mutation who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
March 16, 2019,
Skeletal muscle toxicity associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
March 14, 2019,
Genetically encoded sensor isolates hidden leukemic stem cells
March 12, 2019,
Medical Xpress
Roman Reigns Reveals Type of Leukemia He Had on New Episode of WWE Chronicle
March 12, 2019,
Pro wresling
Chronic myelogenous leukemia, a still unsolved problem: pitfalls and new therapeutic possibilities
March 8, 2019,
Discontinuation of imatinib in children with chronic myeloid leukaemia in sustained deep molecular remission: results of the STOP IMAPED study
March 6, 2019,
Stem cell persistence in CML is mediated by extrinsically activated JAK1-STAT3 signaling
March 6, 2019,
A new highly sensitive real-time quantitative-PCR method for detection of BCR-ABL1 to monitor minimal residual disease in chronic myeloid leukemia after discontinuation of imatinib
March 5, 2019,
Incidence of second malignancies in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors
March 4, 2019,
Deep Analysis of BCR-ABL Transcripts Predicts Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Response in CML
February 28, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Dr. Jorge Cortes - Renowned clinical investigator selected as director for the Georgia Cancer Center
February 27, 2019,
Augusta University
Observational study of chronic myeloid leukemia Italian patients who discontinued tyrosine kinase inhibitors in clinical practice
February 27, 2019,
You Don’t Look Sick: ‘I’ve had cancer for 12 years but people tell me I’m lucky’
February 24, 2019,
Risk of Hospitalization Remains High for Survivors of Childhood Leukemia
February 21, 2019,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Mesa Explores Role of Interferon in Evolving MPN Treatment Paradigm
February 20, 2019,
Optimal Time Points for BCR-ABL1 Tyrosine Kinase Domain Mutation Analysis on the Basis of European LeukemiaNet Recommendations in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
February 20, 2019,
With CP-CML Deemed Less Likely to Continue Taking Generic Imatinib
February 19, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Bio-Rad's Digital PCR Kit Receives Industry First FDA Clearance
February 18, 2019,
From Terminal Cancer to Twenty-Four Year Survivor
February 2019.
Coping with cancer
CML Patient Story: A 20-Year Survivor Shares His Clinical Trial Experience
February 13, 2019,
Patient Power
Targeted Therapy Pioneers Slamon and Druker Awarded Sjoberg Prize
February 7, 2019,
Targeted Oncology
Tests suggest scientists achieved 1st ‘in body’ gene editing
February 7, 2019,
AP news
'Accidental discoveries': Cancer medications may have other uses
February 5, 2019,
The Chronicle
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to supplement nilotinib pharmacokinetics and confirm
dose selection in pediatric patients
February 4, 2019
, PubMed
Bosutinib: Management of Adverse Events in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
January 23, 2019,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Treatment-Free Remission in CML: the US Perspective
January 15, 2019,
Current Hematologic Malignancy Report
Indian firms can now access China's cancer drug market
Jan 11, 2019,
The Times of India
Persistence with generic imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia: a matched cohort study
January 10, 2019,
miR-302 cluster inhibits angiogenesis and growth of K562 leukemia cells by targeting VEGFA
January 8, 2019,
An Expert Review of ASH 2018 CML News
January 7, 2019,
Patient Power
Coping With Loss: Requiem for a Beloved Mentor
January 7, 2019,
Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Sprycel® tablets now approved for pediatric patients
January 6, 2019,
Bio Spectrum Asia Edition
Harnessing the Power of Patients
January 4, 2019,
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: a single-institution experience
January 3, 2019,
Journal of Hematology & Oncology
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: a single-institution experience
January 3, 2019,
ddPCR Brings Confidence to Leukemia Monitoring
January 3, 2019,
Technology Networks
Management of adverse events associated with bosutinib treatment of chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia: expert panel review
December 27, 2018,
Journal of Hematology & Oncology
Targeting Functional Noncoding RNAs in CML With Cas9
December 19, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
EU Panel Backs Dasatinib for Pediatric Ph+ ALL
December 17, 2018,
CML-IT-MOS: clinical characteristics of CML patients not included in clinical trials
December 17, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Generic vs. branded imatinib for CP-CML: a multicenter, observational study
December 17, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Conception, Pregnancy Possible During TKI Therapy for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
December 13, 2018,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
CML News From ASH: Patient Advocate Perspective
December 16, 2018,
CML Advocates Network
Addressing Off-Target Effects of TKIs in Pediatric CML
December 10, 2018,
EUTOS Long-Term Survival Score Outperforms Sokal in TKI-Treated CML
December 7, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
LZTR1 is a regulator of RAS ubiquitination and signaling
December 7, 2018,
Science Mag
Imatinib dose reduction in major molecular response of chronic myeloid leukemia: results from the German Chronic Myeloid Leukemia-Study IV
December 4, 2018,
CML hematopoietic stem cells expressing IL-1RAP can be targeted by chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-engineered T cells
December 4, 2018,
American Association for Cancer Research
Feasibility of treatment discontinuation in chronic myeloid leukemia in clinical practice: results from a nationwide series of 236 patients
December 2, 2018,
Generic Imatinib Compared With Gleevec in CP-CML: Patient Outcomes Across 3 Countries
December 1, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Targeted Therapy for Leukemia: How These Groundbreaking Treatments Work
November 19, 2018,
The impact of chronic myeloid leukemia on employment: the French prospective study
November 17, 2018,
Translating research to cures: an intergenerational survivorship story
November 16, 2018,
Possible Achilles' Heel of Leukemia Stem Cells
November 16, 2018,
Technology Networks
Silent fight: One local woman's funding battle for cancer treatment
November 15, 2018,
Novel predictor of treatment-free remission in CML
November 13, 2018,
Prototype Intervention Increased Adherence to TKIs in CML
November 13, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Inclusion of data on treatment discontinuation in the Tasigna® product monograph approved by Health Canada for CML patients who achieve a sustained molecular response(i)
November 13, 2018,
First quantitative diagnostic test validated for Treatment-Free Remission for Eligible Patients with Ph+ CML-CP Treated with Tasigna® Cleared by Health Canada
November 13, 2018,
2-Year TKI Consolidation Allowed for TKI Cessation in Select Patients With CML
November 12, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Connie J. Eaves, PhD, FRS, to Give Honorary Lecture at 2018 ASH Annual Meeting
November 10, 2018,
Expert reaks down data with TKI Discontinuation in CML
November 9, 2018,
Study Offers Further Support to Long-Term Treatment-Free Remission in CML
November 9, 2018,
Efficacy, safety must guide treatment sequencing decisions in chronic myeloid leukemia
November 7, 2018,
Epigenetic regulation of HOTAIR in advanced chronic myeloid leukemia
November 5 2018,
Effect of imatinib on plasma glucose concentration in subjects with chronic myeloid leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumor
November 3, 2018
, BMC Endocrine Desorders
Imatinib Determined the Most Cost-Effective Frontline TKI for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
November 2, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Emerging Agents, TKI Discontinuation Focal Points of CML Research
October 29, 2018,
Devils’ Boyle says cancer is in remission
October 24, 2018,
Anxiety and depression associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
October 23, 2018,
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Treatment Industry Is Booming Across the Globe Explored in Latest Research
October 19, 2018,
India Reporter
Potential Diagnostic Tool Detects BCR-ABL1 mRNA in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
October 17, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
New Combo for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Shows Activity In Vitro
October 16, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Treatment-Free Remission Test Offers “Paradigm-Shifting” Value in CML
October 15, 2018,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Ponatinib Tops Bosutinib for Third-Line Treatment of CML in a Comparative Analysis
October 15, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Long-term treatment-free remission of chronic myeloid leukemia with falling levels of residual leukemic cells
October 12, 2018,
Dr. Radich on Compliance to NCCN Guidelines in CML
October 11, 2018,
Dasatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Linked to Higher Healthcare Costs
October 10, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
A phase I clinical trial of ruxolitinib in combination with nilotinib in chronic myeloid leukemia patients with molecular evidence of disease
October 9, 2018,
Mel Mann, MBA, M.Ed
October 8, 2018,
Patient Power
Treatment-Free Remission Feasible in Select Patients With CML
October 5, 2018,
Targeted Oncology
Dr. Radich on Treatment Discontinuation in CML Off Trial
September 27, 2018,
Practice Patterns of Physician Treatment for Pediatric Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
September 26, 2018,
First-line treatment strategies for newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia: a network meta-analysis
September 25, 2018,
Recent Data Support TKI Discontinuation in Patients With CML
September 24, 2018
, OncLive
More than medicine - how support groups help leukaemia patients
September 24, 2018,
Nilotinib and Dasatinib Confer Similar Outcomes for Chronic-Phase CML
September 24, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
UK CML Patient Conference 2018 (22 Sept): Video Recordings Now Available
September 22, 2018,
CML Support
Taking the shortcut to frontline treatment
September 17, 2018
, Fred Hutch
Asciminib: overcoming TKI resistance and reducing toxity in CML
(Dr. Timothy Hughes)
September 14, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Asciminib plus traditonal TKIs for chronic phase CML (Dr. Giuseppe Saglio)
September 13, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Tools for Coping With Weight Gain/Loss During Cancer Treatment
September 13, 2018,
Patient Power
The Curious Case Of Gleevec Pricing
September 12, 2018,
New combination treatment targets pre-leukemia stem cells
September 12, 2018,
Science Daily
Progressive Telomere Shortening: An Epigenetic Biomarker of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
September 11, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Knight Cancer Research Building opens new era in cancer research
September 7, 2018,
Canadian chronic myeloid leukemia outcomes post-transplant in the tyrosine kinase inhibitor era
September 5, 2018,
Nivolumab to control molecular response in chronic myeloid leukemia
September 2018,
Leukemia Research
Ponatinib evaluation and safety in real-life chronic myelogenous leukemia patients failing more than two tyrosine kinase inhibitors: The PEARL observational study
August 2018,
Experimental Hematology
Dr. Sweet Discusses TKI Discontinuation in CML
August 31, 2018,
Looking Beyond Overall Survival in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 30, 2018,
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Selecting Patients for TFR
August 30, 2018,
Dr. Hobbs Discusses the Treatment Landscape of CML
August 24, 2018,
TFR - a new treatment goal of CP-CML patients? with Dr. Delphine Rea?
August 2018,
Discovery of Asciminib (ABL001), an Allosteric Inhibitor of the Tyrosine Kinase Activity of BCR-ABL1
August 23, 2018,
ACS Publications
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Understanding Loss of Response
August 20, 2018,
Cancer Research UK gives $4m funding to Glasgow Uni CML project
August 16, 2018,
Relatives of Patients With Myeloid Blood Cancers May be at Two-Fold Risk for Disease
August 14, 2018,
Cure Today
The efficacy of tolvaptan in treating dasatinib-induced pleural effusions in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia
August 12, 2018,
Polypharmacy and Cancer
August 10, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Incidence, outcomes, and risk factors of pleural effusion in patients receiving dasatinib therapy for Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemia
August 9, 2018,
Time of Response to TKI Therapies May Influence Patient Outcomes in CML
August 9, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Second-Generation TKIs May Be Effective After First-Line Imatinib Failure in Pediatric CML
August 9, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
The Real-World Role for Second-Line Ponatinib in CML Is Still Evolving
August 7, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
When to Switch Therapy in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
August 2,2018,
Outcomes of switching to dasatinib after imatinib-related low-grade adverse events in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase: the DASPERSE study
August 2018,
Springer Link
An Overview of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
July 19, 2018,
Research Indicates Imatinib Is Effective in Pediatric Patients With Chronic Phase CML
July 19, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Chinese Hit Movie ‘Dying to Survive’ Injects Urgency in Drug-Price Push
July 17, 2018
, The Wall Street Journal
Dr. Pinilla-Ibarz Discusses Advancements in CML
July 16, 2018,
Expert Discusses the Discontinuation of TKIs in Treatment Landscape of CML
July 14, 2018,
2-Year Consolidation with Nilotinib Leads to High Rate of Treatment-Free Remission in CML
July 10, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Study of Efficacy and Safety of Asciminib in Combination With Imatinib in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase (CML-CP)
July 6, 2018,
RecurrenceFree Survival May B-e Sustainable After De-Escalation or Stoppage of TKI Therapy in CML
July 6, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
EC approves expanded indication for Sprycel
July 6, 2018,
Dasatinib Approved in Europe for Pediatric Ph+ Chronic Phase CML
July 5, 2018,
Patients could be spared life-long leukaemia treatment, clinical trial finds
June 27, 2018,
University of Liverpool
Quebec City medical community mourning cycling death of promising physician
June 26, 2018,
Low-Dose Dasatinib for Chronic-Phase CML Safe, Effective With Fewer Adverse Events
June 25, 2018,
ENESTfreedom Study Reports Durable Treatment-Free Remission in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia After 96 Weeks
June 25, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Discontinuing treatment and predicting relapse in CML
June 21, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
New Drug May Be a Game Changer for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients
June 20, 2018,
Oncology Times
OHSU Cancer Biologist Receives International Science Award
June 19, 2018,
Portland Patch
Preeminent cancer biologist Brian Druker, M.D., receives international science award
June 19, 2018,
Allogenic Stem Cell transplantation for CML in the TKI era: population based data from the Swedish CML registry
June 15, 2018,
EHA learning center
Chronic myeloid leukemia patients and treatment-free remission attitudes: a multicenter survey (China)
June 15, 2018,
Chronic myeloid leukemia patients and treatment-free remission attitudes: a multicenter survey
June 15, 2018,
Timothy Hughes - The importance of achieving early molecular response in CML
June 15, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Timothy Hughes - Physicians must perform molecular monitoing regularly for successful outcomes in CML
June 15, 2018,
VJHemOnc – Video Journal of Hematological Oncology
Timothy Hughes - Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) News (part 1 – Treatment free remission)
June 15, 2018,
Leukaemia Care
Timothy Hughes - Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) News (part 2 – New drugs -ABL001)
June 15, 2018,
Leukaemia Care
The BCR-ABL1 Inhibitors Imatinib and Ponatinib Decrease Plasma Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis, and Nilotinib and Ponatinib Activate Coagulation in a Translational Mouse Model
June 12, 2018,
Strengthen healthcare with branded generics
June 8, 8
The Hindu Business Line
Present results and future perspectives in optimizing chronic myeloid leukemia therapy
June 2018,
Dr. Patterson Discusses the Use of TKIs in Pediatric CML
June 6, 2016,
ASCO 2018 - Susan Branford about Applications for Next-Generation Sequencing
June 3, 2018,
Nilotinib May Lead to Increased Rates of Treatment-Free Remission in Chronic-Phase CML
June 3, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Long-term treatment-free remission achievable for chronic myeloid leukemia
June 3, 2018,
Bosutinib May Be Effective As First-Line Therapy in Chronic-Phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
June 3, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
New Novartis data presented at ASCO find nearly half of CML patients treated with Tasigna® remain in remission almost three years after stopping therapy
June 2, 2018
, PR Newswire
CML Horizons 2018. SUN09 ABL001 Ascitinib trials. (Dr. Delphine Rea)
May 28, 2018,
CML Advocates Network
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Gastrointestinal Cancer Risk—In the Clinic
May 29, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Considerations for Treatment-free Remission in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Joint Patient–Physician Perspective
June 2018,
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia
Rare Case of Gaucher Disease and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Reported in Spain
May 23, 2018,
Gaucher disease News
Pediatric CML: Life-Long Considerations With TKI Therapy
May 22, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Actor Charlie Schlatter takes positive approach to fighting rare cancer
May 18, 2018,
Right-to-Try Laws: Let's Move Beyond the Rhetoric
May 15, 2018,
If You're Struggling To Become A Mother, This Is For You
May 13, 2018,
Ponatinib shows promise for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase
May 12, 2018, Healio
Tasigna – Atherosclerosis
May 11, 2018,
US Recall News
Study: TKI Discontinuation Should Be Considered in Patients With CML Achieving Deep Molecular Response
May 8, 2018,
Journal of Clinical Pathways
Real-life Experience With Ponatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Multicenter Observational Study
May 7, 2018,
Deep Molecular Response May Allow TKI-therapy Discontinuation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
May 7, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Low-dose Dasatinib May Be Effective as Frontline Therapy in Chronic-phase Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
May 7, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Nilotinib May Improve Rate of Deep Molecular Response in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
May 7, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Cardiovascular Health Considerations When Using Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
May 4, 2018,
Discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in chronic myeloid leukaemia (EURO-SKI): a prespecified interim analysis of a prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, trial
May 4, 2018,
The Lancet Oncology
Discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in chronic myeloid leukemia: Recommendations for clinical practice from the French Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Study Group
May 3, 2018,
Early results of lower dose dasatinib (50 mg daily) as frontline therapy for newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
May 3, 2018,
Discontinuation of tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in chronic myeloid leukaemia (EURO-SKI): a prespecified interim analysis of a prospective, multicentre, non-randomised, trial
May 2018
, The Lancet Oncology
'Getting pregnant could kill me': Roz Purcell's sister Rachel reveals struggle with chronic myeloid leukaemia
April 30, 2018,
Irish Mirror
Northern Ireland mother who bravely delayed cancer treatment until her children were born
April 26, 2018,
Belfast Telegraph
Following FDA Approvals, CML Pipeline Has Challenges
April 24, 2017,
CML by Dr. Isabelle Bence-Bruckler, The Ottawa Hospital, Canada
April 21, 2018,
The Canadian CML Network
Correlation of plasma concentration and adverse effects of bosutinib: standard dose or dose-escalation regimens of bosutinib treatment for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
April 13, 2018,
Anxiety and depression associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor discontinuation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
April 12, 2018,
Eligibility for Cancer Drug Trials May Be Too Narrow
April 12, 2018,
Medpage Today
Bosutinib in chronic myeloid leukemia: patient selection and perspectives
April 9, 2018,
Dove Medical Press
Pharma Dollars Appear to Sway Oncologist Rx Habits
April 9, 2018,
Medpage Today
FDA announces further approvals for nilotinib, blinatumomab
April 9, 2018,
1-year Imatinib or Nilotinib Therapy Not Associated with Cardiotoxity in CML
April 9, 2018,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Risk of Secondary Cancers With CML Linked to Disease, Not Treatment
April 6, 2018,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Fresh Focus on Second Primary Cancers
April 5, 2018,
Dr. Mauro Discusses Updates in CML
April 2, 2018,
Identifying Treatment Failure in Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
April 2, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Tasigna Lawsuits Mount, as Plaintiff in Washington State Accuses Novartis of Failing to Warn that Leukemia Drug Had Been Linked to Atherosclerosis-Related Conditions, Bernstein Liebhard LLP Reports
March 28, 2018,
PR Newswire
Determination of a radotinib dosage regimen based on dose-response relationships for the treatment of newly diagnosed patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
March 25, 2018,
Analyst 'would not be surprised' to see Takeda retry Iclusig in first-line CML
March 25, 2018,
The Pharma Letter
Tony Hunter receives Pezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award
March 23, 2018,
Tasigna cleared for use in children with rare leukemia
March 23, 2018,
FDA Approves Nilotinib for Pediatric Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
March 22, 2018
, Oncology Nursing News
Ponatinib Maintains Benefit in Chronic-Phase CML at 5 Years
March 22, 2018,
Takeda Announces Publication of Final Data from ICLUSIG® (ponatinib) Pivotal Phase 2 PACE Trial in Blood
March 22, 2018,
Boston Business Journal
Publication of Final Data from ICLUSIG (ponatinib) Pivotal Phase 2 PACE Trial
March 22, 2018,
Drug Discovery & Development
Assessment of BCR-ABL1 fusion transcripts and their association with response to imatinib treatment in chronic myeloid leukemia patients
March 21, 2018,
Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology
Ivermectin Induces Apoptosis Through Mitochondrial Dysfunction in CML Cells
March 13, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia at Increased Risk of Secondary Cancers
March 13, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Molecular Response and Sokal Score Associated with Treatment-free Remission Duration in CML
March 13, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
CML: Managing TKI-Related Toxicity To Yield the Best Outcomes
March 12, 2018 ,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
When to Stop Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
March 8, 2018,
Current Treatment Options in Oncology
Disability need not define achievement, Hernández says
March 8 2018 ,
Cornel Chronicle
City of Hope working on potential leukemia breakthrough | ABC7
March 8, 2018,
Ponatinib Shows Promise for Rare Ovarian Cancer Type that Affects Young Women
March 8, 2018,
Oncology Nursing News
Drug could improve treatment of CML, team says
March 7, 2018,
Hematology Times
New Drug Appears Promising Against Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
March 6, 2018,
City of Hope
Second-line Nilotinib May Lead to Treatment-Free Remission in Chronic Phase CML
March 5, 2018,
Oncology Nurse Advisor
Bone marrow niche trafficking of miR-126 controls the self-renewal of leukemia stem cells in chronic myelogenous leukemia
March 5, 2018,
Nature Medicine
Dasatinib: A Safe and Effective Option for Pediatric CML
March 5, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
City of Hope Study Published in Nature Medicine Reports on Promising New Drug to Fight Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
March 5, 2018,
Leukemia Drug (Iclusig -ponatinib) Shows Promise in Rare Ovarian Cancer Type
March 3, 2018
, Cure Today
Dr. Cortes Discusses TKI Cessation in CML
March 2, 2018,
Bosutinib Nears EU Approval for Frontline Ph+ CML
February 26, 2018,
Defining therapy goals for major molecular remission in chronic myeloid leukemia: results of the randomized CML Study IV
February 26, 2018,
Treatment-Free Remission Assessed After Nilotinib Discontinuation in CML
February 26, 2018,
Monthly Prescribing Reference
Durable treatment-free remission in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase following frontline nilotinib: 96-week update of the ENESTfreedom study
February 22, 2018,
Pediatric CML: Imatinib Effective in the Front Line
February 22, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Treatment-free remission of chronic myeloid leukemia possible after second-line nilotinib
February 20, 2018,
2 minute medicine
Treating Cancer: Tackling Drug Resistance
February 20. 2018,
Technology Network
Considerations for Successful Treatment-free Remission in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
February 2018,
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia
Pediatric CML: Imatinib Effective in the Front Line
February 19, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Experience with dasatinib and nilotinib use in pregnancy
February 17, 2017,
Sage Journals
Therapy-free remission in chronic myeloid leukemia: possible mechanism.
February 15, 2018,
Systems pharmacological analysis of mitochondrial cardiotoxicity induced by selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
February 14, 2018,
Efficacy and safety of nilotinib therapy in patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia in the chronic phase.
February 13, 2018,
What you need to know about chronic myeloid leukaemia
February 8, 2018,
Kantarjian, Prat: There's a better model for cancer research in U.S.
February 3, 2018,
Houston Chronicle
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Choosing A TKI
February 1, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Treatment-Free Remission and Preventing Cardiotoxicity: The Future of CML Care
January 31, 2018,
AJMC.com Managed Markets Network
Practical management of toxicities associated with bosutinib in patients with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia
January 27, 2018,
Annals of Oncology
Dasatinib dose management for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia
January 25, 2018, Cancer
Rationale for TKI Therapy in Relapsed CML
January 22, 2018,
Targeted Oncology
Relapsed CML: Mutation Testing and Therapy Choices
January 22, 2018,
Targeted Oncology
Treatment Approach for Relapsed CML
January 22, 2018,
Targeted Oncology
Dose Reduction and Third-Line Therapy for CML
January 22, 2018,
Targeted Oncology
Nilotinib Can Be Discontinued in Some Patients with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
January 19, 2018,
National Cancer Institute
A New $500 Blood Test Could Detect Cancer Before Symptoms Develop
January 18, 2018
, Forbes
CML Update From News at ASH 2017 ( Dr. Michael Mauro)
January 17, 2018,
Patient Power
Could Switching to Interferon Avoid an Abnormal Ovarian Response in CML?
January 17, 2018,
Cancer Therapy Advisor
Bernstein Liebhard LLP Investigating Potential Tasigna Lawsuits on Behalf of Individuals Who Allegedly Developed Arteriosclerosis and Associated Complications While Undergoing Leukemia Treatment with This Medication
Jan 16, 2018,
Deep sea creatures provide a guiding light in the quest to develop cancer therapies
January 9, 2018
, Science Daily
Chronic myeloid leukemia patients in Tunisia: epidemiology and outcome in the imatinib era (a multicentric experience)
January 6, 2018,
BCR-ABL1 Levels Can Predict Sustained Deep Molecular Response in CML
January 5, 2018,
Cancer Network
Targeting cancer by sabotaging the DNA repair seesaw
January 5, 2018,
Thomas Joseph Reilly, ex-King Kullen exec, dies at 74
January 4, 2018,
Pepsi® or Coke®? Influence of acid on dasatinib absorption
January 1, 2018,
Dasatinib increases endothelial permeability leading to pleural effusion
January 2018,
European Respiratory Journal
See News on CML (after 2020)
See Archives ( 2019-2018)
See Archives ( 2017-2016)
Archives ( 2015-2014)
Archives ( 2013-2012)
See Archives before 2012