Dr. Susanne Saussele - CML - Chronic myeloid Leukemia
Susanne Saussele studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg and specialised in internal medicine and haematology/oncology. She did her thesis in the laboratory of Prof. Dr R. Hehlmann and made her habilitation in internal medicine in 2013. Currently, she is the Chief Executive of the German Competence Net “Acute and chronic leukemias”. She is also active as the Scientific Network Manager of the European LeukemiaNet Network of Excellence within the 6th framework of the European Commission, and is the CEO of the German Foundation “StiftungLeukämie”. Since 2007, she has been Group Leader of the Study Centre of the German CML Study Group at the III. Med. Klinik, MedizinischeFakultät Mannheim, University of Heidelberg and sub project leader for the “Spread of Excellence” group of the “EUTOS for CML” cooperation
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