Virginia Garner - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - CML
Virginia Garner is a 25 years CML survivor who was one of the first people in the world to take STI-571 (now called Gleevec) in the Phase 1 trial at UCLA with Dr. Charles Sawyers.
In 1997, Virginia was a high school English teacher near Los Angeles when she learned she had Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. She started a treatment with Interferon and Ara-C. On April 19, 1999, she was accepted into a clinical trial at UCLA and took the new drug STI-571. She had an interview with CNN talking about the new drug.
In 1997, Virginia was a high school English teacher near Los Angeles when she learned she had Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. She started a treatment with Interferon and Ara-C. On April 19, 1999, she was accepted into a clinical trial at UCLA and took the new drug STI-571. She had an interview with CNN talking about the new drug.
Backstage Lakers Light The Night
November 21, 2017, LTN CalSo
CML Patients Get New Lifesaving Drug
April 7, 2017, Virginia Garner
Clinical trial saves leukemia patient from death - CNN (History of STI-571 1999 )
April 14, 2016, Virginia Garner
Leukemia Patient Tells of New Drug - CNN (History of STI-571 1999 )
April 12, 2016, Virginia Garner
Backstage Lakers Light The Night
November 21, 2017, LTN CalSo
CML Patients Get New Lifesaving Drug
April 7, 2017, Virginia Garner
Clinical trial saves leukemia patient from death - CNN (History of STI-571 1999 )
April 14, 2016, Virginia Garner
Leukemia Patient Tells of New Drug - CNN (History of STI-571 1999 )
April 12, 2016, Virginia Garner
Since 2001, Virginia and her husband Van have been raising money through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program. Now, Virginia and her husband have completed 11 marathons and raised over $240,000 for research in blood cancers. They are about to begin training and fundraising for the next marathon.
Aside from those marathons for the LLS, Virginia has completed 2 full marathons and about 28 half marathons. Also, her husband has completed 27 full marathons and 35 half marathons. His total running events, including smaller 5Ks and 10Ks, add up to over 100 kilometers! Finally, Virginia is glad to be strong and healthy enough to participate in these events, despite her Gleevec-induced anemia.
Stories of hope – Virginia Garner
August 8, 2012, LLS Stories of hope
Relentless for a Cure
January 26, 2012, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Aside from those marathons for the LLS, Virginia has completed 2 full marathons and about 28 half marathons. Also, her husband has completed 27 full marathons and 35 half marathons. His total running events, including smaller 5Ks and 10Ks, add up to over 100 kilometers! Finally, Virginia is glad to be strong and healthy enough to participate in these events, despite her Gleevec-induced anemia.
Stories of hope – Virginia Garner
August 8, 2012, LLS Stories of hope
Relentless for a Cure
January 26, 2012, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society