Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
To access this module, you need to get your CMLer's password. This password stay active for all the session on the website.
To access this module, you need to get your CMLer's password. This password stay active for all the session on the website.
Vertical Divider
Modes of access to the website
1 - Public access
On several occasions, the CML patient called CMLer will need a password to access several modules of the website. .
(No registration required - Anonymous access)
1 - Public access
On several occasions, the CML patient called CMLer will need a password to access several modules of the website. .
(No registration required - Anonymous access)
2 - Reserved access to CMLeukemia private group
On other occasions, the more experienced patients need more up-to-date or in-depth information. Among other upcoming modules, they will need access to the archives and also to abstracts of congresses on CML.
(Member password required and registration required).
On other occasions, the more experienced patients need more up-to-date or in-depth information. Among other upcoming modules, they will need access to the archives and also to abstracts of congresses on CML.
(Member password required and registration required).