Polynésie française - French Polynesia
Cette photo a été prise lors de la lune de miel de Rosa et Gilles en avril 1990 à Tahiti. En juin 2003, Gilles tomba gravement malade et un diagnostic de LMC fut annoncé à Gilles en juin 2005.
This photo was taken during Rosa and Gilles' honeymoon in April 1990 in Tahiti. In June 2003, Gilles fell seriously ill and Gilles was diagnosed with CML in June 2005.
This photo was taken during Rosa and Gilles' honeymoon in April 1990 in Tahiti. In June 2003, Gilles fell seriously ill and Gilles was diagnosed with CML in June 2005.
Seulement les personnes atteintes de LMC et habitant la Polynésie française peuvent s'inscrire à un nouveau groupe privé Polynésie / Polynesia .
Only people with CML living in French Polynesia can join a new private Polynésie / Polynesia group.