ASCO 2011 - American Society of Clinical Oncology - June 2011 - Chicago
Improved survival in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) since introduction of imatinib therapy: A single-institution experience in 1,570 patients referred within 1 month from diagnosis
A new symptom measure in chronic myeloid leukemia
Model-based prediction of patient-specific residual disease levels for imatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia
Disease management and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): Experience from the patient (pt) perspective
Effect of cytogenetics at diagnosis on outcome of CML: Results from the randomized German CML Study IV
Improved survival in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) since introduction of imatinib therapy: A single-institution experience in 1,570 patients referred within 1 month from diagnosis
A new symptom measure in chronic myeloid leukemia
Model-based prediction of patient-specific residual disease levels for imatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia
Disease management and treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): Experience from the patient (pt) perspective
Effect of cytogenetics at diagnosis on outcome of CML: Results from the randomized German CML Study IV