Leucémie myéloïde chronique
Leucemia Mieloide Crónica
CML Experts
How to get the CMLer's password?
Team of experts on CML who developed imatinib
Dr. Elisabeth Buchdunger
Dr. Brian Druker
Dr. John Goldman
Dr. Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini
Dr. Nora C. Heisterkamp
Dr. David Hungerford
Dr. Nicholas Lydon
Dr. Alex Matter
Dr. Felix Mitelman
Dr. Peter C. Nowell
Dr. Moshe Talpaz
Dr. Janet D. Rowley
Dr. Charles Sawyers
Dr. Jürg Zimmermann
Dr. Owen Witte
Experts involved in developing dasatinib
Dr. Jagabandhu Das
Experts involved in developing nilotinib
CML experts in America
CML experts in Canada
How to get the CMLer's password?
Dr. Sarit Assouline
Dr. Lambert Busque
Dr. Robert Delage
Dr. Connie Eaves
Dr. Josée Hébert
Dr. Vincent Éthier
Dr. Marc Lalancette
Dr. Luigina Mollica
Dr. Dennis Kim
Dr. Pierre Laneuville
Dr. Pierre Laneuville (v. fr.)
Dr. Conrad Vincent Fernandez
Dr. Isabelle Bence-Bruckler
Dr. Jeffrey H Lipton
Dr. Mark Hnatiuk
CML experts in US
How to get the CMLer's password?
Carolyn Blasdel, RN , FNP-BC, OCN
Rey Garcia, RN, BSN
Dr. Charles Schiffer
Dr. B. Douglas Smith
Dr. Ravi Bhatia
Dr. Jorge E. Cortes
Dr. Javier Pinilla-Ibarz
Dr. Catriona Jamieson
Dr. Arul Chinnaiyan
Dr. Ami Patel
Dr. Michael Deininger
Dr. James D. Griffin
Dr. Franziska Michor
Dr. Frank Giles
Dr. Gabriella Hobbs
Dr. Ehab Atallah
Dr. Elias J. Jabbour
Dr. Hagop Kantarjian
Dr. Harry P. Erba
Dr. Richard A. Larson
Dr. Alison Loren
Dr. Michael Mauro
Dr. Matt Kalaycio
Dr. Stephen D. Nimer
Dr. Ruben A. Mesa
Dr. Susan M. O'Brien
Dr. Jerald P. Radich
Dr. Ellen K. Ritchie
Dr. Karen Seiter
Dr. Kendra Sweet
Dr. Michael Savona
Dr. Neil Shah
Dr. Richard T Silver
Dr. Richard Stone
Dr. Raoul Tibes
Dr. Ronald L. Paquette
Dr. Sangmin Lee
Dr. Srinivas K. Tantravahi
Dr. Bin Zhang
CML experts in South America
Dr. Michele Bianchini
Dra Beatriz Moiraghi
Dra. Carla Boquimpani
Dr Carolina Pavlovsky
CML Experts in Europe
CML Expert in Belgium
Pr Gregor Verhoef
CML expert in France
Comment obtenir le mot de passe?
Dr. François-Xavier Mahon
Dr Aude Charbonnier
Dr. Agnès Guerci Bresler
Dr Pascale Cony-Makhoul
Dr. Delphine Rea
Dr. Gabriel Etienne
Dr. Lawrence Legros
Dr. Marie-Joëlle Mozziconacci
Pr. Mauricette Michallet
Dr. François Guilhot
Dr. Emilie Cayssial
Dr Françoise Huguet
Dr. Stéphane Prost
Dr. Philippe Rousselot
Dr. Eliane Gluckman
Dr. Franck-Emmanuel Nicolini
CML expert in Italy
Dr. Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini
Dr. Chiara Elena
Dr. Gianantonio Rosti
Dr. Massimo Breccia
Dr. Michele Baccarani
Dr. Giuseppe Saglio
CML expert in UK
Dr. Jane Apperley
Dr. Richard Clark
Dr. Stephen O'Brien
Dr. Georgios Nteliopoulos
Dr. Adam Mead
Dr. Tessa L Holyoake
CML expert in Germany
Dr. Andreas Hochhaus
Professor Jörg Hasford
Professor Oliver Hantschel
Dr Susanne Saussele
Dr. Martin Müller
CML expert in Portugal
Dr. Antônio Medina de Almeida
CML expert in Spain
Dr. Juan Luis Steegmann
CML expert in Netherlands
Dr. Jeroen J.W.M. Janssen
CML expert in Sweden
Dr. Johan Richter
CML expert in Czech Republic
Dr. Hana Klamova
CML experts in Asia
Dr. Annuar Rapaee
Dr. Charles Chuah
Dr. Goh Yeow Tee
Dr. Pankaj Malhotra
Dr. Uday Yanamandra
Dr. Hemant Malhotra
Dr. Kim Dong-Wook
CML experts in Africa
Dr. Asmaa Quessar
Dr. Anthony Oyekunle
CML experts in Australia
Dr. Ilaria Pagani
Dr. Susan Branford
Pr Tim Hughes
Dr. David T. Yeung
Dr. Liu Lu
Dr. Naranie Shanmuganathan
Dr. Anthony P Schwarer
Medical Concepts
How to get the CMLer's password?
Introduction to CML
Precision medicine in chronic myeloid leukemia
Philadelphia chromosome
BCR-ABL Transcripts
Sokal, Hasford, and EUTOS scores
General concepts
Bone Marrow
Stem Cells
Immune System
Natural killer cell - NK
T Cells
Blood-Brain Barrier
Clinical Trials
Treatment response in CML
Resistance to treatment in CML
Molecular monitoring in CML
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Dr. Kary Bank Mullis
Non-adherence of CML patients
Sensitive detection of BCR-ABL1 mutations
JAK2 Gene
Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI)
Interferon regulatory factor 8 (IRF8)
Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD)
Introduction to CML
Essential Thrombocythemia (ET)
Myelofibrosis (MF)
Polycythemia Vera (PV)
Types of leukemia
Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia
How to get the CMLer's password?
Interferon Alpha
Gleevec (Imatinib)
Generic Imatinib
Tasigna (Nilotinib)
Generic nilotinib
Sprycel (Dasatinib)
Generic Dasatinib
Bosulif (Bosutinib)
Iclusig (Ponatinib)
Supect (Radotinib)
Scemblix (Asciminib)
Synribo (Omacetaxine )
HQP1351 (Olverembatinib)
Jakafi (Ruxolitinib)
K0706 (Vodobatinib)
DCC-2036 (Rebastinib)
Vidaza (Azacitidine)
Managing side effects
List of side effets
How to get the CMLer's password?
Acid Uric - Gout
Bone Pain
Fluid Retention
Gastrointestinal system
Muscle cramping
Night Sweats
Peripheral Neuropathy in CML
Peripheral arterial disease in CML
Pleural effusion
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight gain
CML and Nutrition
Food and Drug Interactions
CML and comorbidities
Living with CML and diabetes
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Art Therapy
Art Therapist
CMLer's portofolio
Music therapy
YouTube creation by CMLer's family
Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Calm Music for Meditation, Sleep, Healing Therapy, Spa
Debussy – Relaxing music - Clair de lune et autres...
Delicate music for the soul and LIFE, and birdsong soothes the nervous system.
Adagio for Strings (Samuel Barber)
Amélie Soundtrack ♥ Comptine d'Un Autre Été
The song "Disenchanted'
Physical Activity
Patient Testimonials
How to get the CMLer's password?
30 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Mark Popadick
Mary Sullivan
Dr. Robert Patenaude -E
Skip Duffe
Sister Shirley Vaughn
Tamera Simonson
20 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Doug Jenson
Giora Sharf
Joannie Clements
Mel Mann
Kevin Williams
Rich Jones
Tanja Fajon
Virginia Garner
10 years and plus survivors
How to get the CMLer's password?
Dan Sloan
Drew Johnston
Erin Zammett Ruddy
Erin Havel (Author)
Gary Gonzales
Jan Geissler
Jean McGlynn
ELLE Halliwell (Pregnancy)
Kayla Naton (Pregnancy)
Mary Jane Bertram
Pat Elliott
Rob Shick
Tegan Kubler
Tom Cleaver
New CMLers
How to get the CMLer's password?
Skye Davidson
Amanda Steffy
Abbi Evans
Austin Granatowicz
Brown Dudley
Ron Robbecke
Celebrities with CML
How to get the CMLer's password?
Alexa Score
Brian Boyle
Carlos Carrasco
Charlie Schlatter
Doris Muramatsu
Dr. Richard Rockefeller
Greg Lemond
Kareem Abdul-Jabar
Kelvin Alston
Jason Blake
Laura Boyd
Lee Zeldin
Rick Upchurch
Roman Reigns
Ryan O'Neal
Tim Holcomb
Suzan Mc Namara and the petition
Bud Romine - the first patient
Other testimonials
How to get the CMLer's password?
Living with CML
Michelle D's Blog
Jon's Blog
Blogs not recently updated
Access CML Drugs
CMKID's blog – Dislodging the bullet - 2012
CML Recovery - Stopping KTI -2011
Hans's Blog -2012
Elizabeth's Blog - my leukemia - 2013journey
Elizabeth's Blog - Heart of the rose -2011
Joe's Blog - 2012
Josh's Blog - 2014
Mannan's Blog -2014
Ian's Blog -2014
Matt's Blog - 2012
Matthew's Blog - 2014
Michelle's Blog -2012
Nayree's Blog -2011
Rob's Blog - 2011
Global News on CML
English - Latest CML News
News -Archives 2023-2022
News -Archives 2021-2020
News -Archives 2019-2018
News - Archives 2017-2016
News Archives - 2015-2014
News-Archives -2013-2012
News - Archives 2011-2001
French (Français) - Dernières nouvelles
Spanish (Español)-Ultimas noticias
Links to other sites, forums and Facebook
Sites (English and other languages)
Forums (English and other languages)
CML on Facebook
CML on Twitter
Audio Podcast
Various topics
How to get the CMLer's password?
CML patients and the coronavirus
You’ve just been diagnosed
History of CML
CML causes
Pronostic, life expectancy, quality of life, ..... in chronic myeloid leukemia
Increased Risk of Secondary Cancers with CML
Vaccination of CMLers
CML Blast Crisis treatment
Bone marrow transplant
Stem cells from umbilical cord blood
ThINKK (Therapeutic inducers of Natural Killer cell killing)
Children with CML
CML and pregnancy
Mutation T315I
Elderly patients with CML
Sports with CML
CML Awareness Day
Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à la leucémie myéloïde chronique
The movie "Dying to Survive"
The movie 'The Blue Butterfly"
Cure possible for CML?
How to get the CMLer's password?
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using single UM171-expanded cord blood
Greffe de cellules souches de cordon ombilical amplifiées par la molécule UM171
Combination of tyrosine kinase inhibitor with other medication
Combinaison of hydroxychloroquine with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of ruxolitinib with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of insulin sensitizer MSDC-0600K with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of miristen with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of pioglitazone with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of Inecalcitol with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of dasatinib plus Nivolumab
Combination of Pembrolizumab with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of interferon with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Combination of Venetoclax with tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Inhibitory effect of c-Myc on p53-induced apoptosis in leukemia cells
Inhibition of the protein Ezh2 can cure CML?
Inhibition of STAT5 in conjunction with standard TKI therapy
PROTAC-mediated Targeted Protein Degradation
CML vaccine
Can immunotherapy cure leukemia?
Could fasting cure chronic myeloid leukemia
Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy
Can genetic sequencing help to cure leukemia?
Can the new drug CX-5461 cure leukemia?
CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique
Presence of bcr abl fusion transcripts in healthy individua
Math could help cure leukemia
Natural Medicine
Possible cure for CML in Fish Oil
Betel leaf may help fight CML
Feverfew extract (parthenolide)
Can dandelions kill cancer?
Can curcumin cure leukemia?
Treatment-Free remission(TFR)
The French trial called STIM (Stop Imatinib)
De-escalation of treatment
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Withdrawal Syndrome in CML Patients
Educational videos (all languages)
Educational videos in English
Vidéos pédagogiques en français sur la LMC
Videos instructivos en español
Educational events
CML Tool Box (all languages)
English tool box
Survey for CMLer who take asciminib
Survey for patients who passed TFR (Treatment-Free Remission)
French tool box
Sondage pour les patients qui prennent l'asciminib
Sondage uniquement auprès des patients ayant réussi le RST( Rémission sans traitement)
Spanish tool box
Encuesta_de_medicación_ LMC.html
Know your CML
CML Glossaries
Moral Support
Where to get help and support
Family support
Dances at the Cancer Research Centre
I Had Cancer: You are not alone
I’m A Doctor With Chronic Illness. Here Are 12 Things I Wish People Knew
23 Nice Things You Can Do for Someone With Cancer
The march toward healing
Be happy
Professionnel help and literature
Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee
Patient Rights
New technological advances
International publications
Publications from Africa
Publications from America
Publications from Australia
Publications from Asia
Publications from Europe
Specialist Journals in Hematology/Oncology
Awards & Recognition
Leukemia Foundations
American Cancer Society
Hospital Foundations
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About us
Our mission
Contact us
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Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
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All clinical
with K
KF1601, a Novel Orally Bioavailable Inhibitor of BCR-ABL1 T315I without Inducing Thrombotic Microangiopathy
November 2, 2023,
See also
Mutation T315I